Seek the Best Infertility Treatments in India at Affordable Costs

Infertility problems among African men, including Kenyans and Nigerians, are on the rise due to low sperm count as per reports. Studies revealed that proliferation of pesticides like malathion, endosulphan, DDT and others are top triggers of this low sperm count problem among males. While decline in sperm count is a global phenomenon and a leading cause of infertility, it is however found to be the highest in Africa. Changes in lifestyle among men across the world are thought to be largely responsible for the low sperm count. Fertility data from...

Joint Replacement Surgery in India to Cost 70 Percent Less

Arthritis, which was long thought to be a disease of the old people, is increasingly seeping into the younger population due to changes in lifestyle. However, if detected early, arthritis is a curable and manageable condition. The two most common types of arthritis affecting Kenyan population are osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoporosis is largely found to result from damage to cartilage within joints and rheumatoid arthritis on the...

Undergo Best Brain Tumor Treatments in India at Reasonable Costs

Childhood brain tumors are fast becoming an important pediatric problem in several African countries including Nigeria. Even though advanced neuroimaging techniques have facilitated early diagnosing and treatment of brain tumors among children worldwide, lack of neurosurgery facilities in Nigeria have detrimentally influenced outcome of brain tumors in children. Focal motor signs and symptoms that come alongside elevated intracranial pressure...

Why Should You Undergo Cervical Cancer Treatment in India?

It has been observed that most Kenyan women would not like to undergo screening for cervical cancer due to the embarrassment of exposing their private parts to the healthcare personnel. Almost 87 percent of the women who were surveyed revealed that they generally would undergo screening for this killer disease if they did not have to expose like it is required to do for traditional screening methods like visual inspection and Pap smear tests....

Cost of Tummy Tuck Surgery in India is Highly Affordable

With central Kenya having the highest number of obesity cases, health department in the country has observed that one in every three women in the country is either obese or overweight. It is also observed that Kenyan women who are most effected by obesity are within their reproductive health age. However, Kenyan men are no better. Cases of obesity are challenges with which the Kenyan healthcare authorities must tackle. Some of the leading causes...


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